A fun play on words for "field trips" that encompasses the perfect definition of what we do and why; plus FIELD is also my last name. If this wasn't meant to be, I don't know what is...
FIELD is also an acronym to express the vision of what my kits entail.
Friendly: Inclusivity within the education of the kits.
Interactive: Students can interact with biofacts and materials that would connect them to something from nature.
Engaging: Each kit has components that will keep students engaged and excited to learn more.
Learning: The objective is to have the students learn about why nature is essential.
Discovery: Each kit is rented out for a week at a time; therefore, teachers and students have the time and ability to learn and discover the world around them.

To learn more about what FIELD Kits are, watch this quick one minute video
Wondering what the Adaptation FIELD Kit includes, watch this video to find out!